The Philosophy behind Dress Standards at South Heights
At South Heights we appreciate variety in attire, and we understand that clothing options are important to students! Yet we recognize that there is substantial variation in standards of dress. Therefore, due to a wide range of opinions and convictions, South Heights seeks to accommodate as many families as possible by finding a middle ground in decisions regarding clothing choices. The SHCC dress code aims to provide clear guidelines for students on what to wear while attending South Heights. The objective of the policy is to promote an atmosphere for academic success while recognizing significant freedom of student choice and expression.
With our dress code, we do not wish to impose an atmosphere of legalism, nor do we in any way mean to imply that students are “good” or “bad” based on how they dress. Yet we recognize that clothing can impact the learning environment, and to maintain a positive academic work atmosphere, parents and students must take responsibility to honor the expectations of appropriate dress while at South Heights.
Students are expected to dress and groom themselves in a way that reflects basic well-recognized standards of neatness, modesty, and appropriateness in preparation for adulthood. South Heights standards are consistent with workplace standards that students will face as adults, so this is good practice. Overly casual clothing can undermine a purposeful atmosphere of work and study. The dress code is in effect during the academic hours of South Heights even if students are out-of-doors. If you are in doubt as to whether a particular garment is acceptable or not, please ask before you wear it!
Parents, thank you for encouraging respect and expecting your student to adhere to the dress code while attending South Heights. We are grateful for your partnership, as together we appreciate variety and individuality in attire while affirming respectfulness, appropriateness, and modesty in dress!!
At South Heights we appreciate variety in attire, and we understand that clothing options are important to students! Yet we recognize that there is substantial variation in standards of dress. Therefore, due to a wide range of opinions and convictions, South Heights seeks to accommodate as many families as possible by finding a middle ground in decisions regarding clothing choices. The SHCC dress code aims to provide clear guidelines for students on what to wear while attending South Heights. The objective of the policy is to promote an atmosphere for academic success while recognizing significant freedom of student choice and expression.
With our dress code, we do not wish to impose an atmosphere of legalism, nor do we in any way mean to imply that students are “good” or “bad” based on how they dress. Yet we recognize that clothing can impact the learning environment, and to maintain a positive academic work atmosphere, parents and students must take responsibility to honor the expectations of appropriate dress while at South Heights.
Students are expected to dress and groom themselves in a way that reflects basic well-recognized standards of neatness, modesty, and appropriateness in preparation for adulthood. South Heights standards are consistent with workplace standards that students will face as adults, so this is good practice. Overly casual clothing can undermine a purposeful atmosphere of work and study. The dress code is in effect during the academic hours of South Heights even if students are out-of-doors. If you are in doubt as to whether a particular garment is acceptable or not, please ask before you wear it!
Parents, thank you for encouraging respect and expecting your student to adhere to the dress code while attending South Heights. We are grateful for your partnership, as together we appreciate variety and individuality in attire while affirming respectfulness, appropriateness, and modesty in dress!!
Please note: Recent media reports have used the term "dress code abuse" to talk about dress codes for young people. If dress standards make you feel victimized, South Heights is not for you. We want every student to be placed in a learning environment that best meets their needs and suits their priorities.